Μια συμπυκνωμένη φυσική γεύση καραβίδας με βάση το λάδι. Καθώς αυτή η υπέροχη γεύση είναι ελαιοδιαλυτή, θα διασπαρεί πολύ εύκολα στο νερό!
A concentrated natural oil based crayfish flavor.
As this superb flavor is oil-soluble it will disperse vertically in the water column and in this way attract carp from all water layers. It will improve the palatability of any bait to great effect. Great to use together with our Crayfish meal.
Product character: yellowish clear fluid, strong crustacean flavor, soluble in oil, pva friendly, pH 4.4
Dosage direction per kg dry mix:
In carpbait recommended at 8 - 15 ml/kg