Αιθέριο έλαιο ψυχρής έκθλιψης από φλούδα πορτοκαλιού. Έχει μια ζουμερή, φρέσκια, γλυκιά μυρωδιά εσπεριδοειδών από τα φρέσκα φρούτα.
Pure and natural, human food grade, without any artificial ingredients.
A cold pressed essential oil from orange peel. It has a juicy, fresh, sweet citrus smell of the fresh fruit.
This can be used with every feed / bait mix all year round, but is known to be great in cold water (wintertime). It has a good instant feeding response. Blends well with black pepper, cinnamon and clove.
Recommended dosage per kg dry mix:
In carpbait use at 1 - 3ml, depending on other ingredients used.